All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) – January to May 2017 - Publik Talk


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Saturday, August 19, 2017

All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) – January to May 2017

Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures changes over time in general level of prices of goods and services that households acquire for the purpose of consumption. For construction of CPI numbers, two requisite components are weighing diagrams (consumption patterns) and price data collected at regular intervals.The data refers to All India Consumer Price Index with base year 2012 =100 and combined for both rural and urban areas.

All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) -Cereals and products has increased from 132.8 in January 2017 to 132.9 in May 2017 showing an increase of 0.1 point.

All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) -Vegetables has increased from 119.4 in January 2017 to 125.6 in May 2017 showing an increase of 6.2 points. All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) -Fuel and light has increased from 126.8 in January 2017 to 129.4 in May 2017 showing an increase of 2.6 points. All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) -General index has increased from 130.3 in January 2017 to 131.4 in May 2017 showing an increase of 1.1 points.

All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) for rural area -General index has increased from 132.4 in January 2017 to 133.3 in May 2017 showing an increase of 0.9 point. All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) for urban area -General index has increased from 127.8 in January 2017 to 129.3 in May 2017 showing an increase of 1.5 points.

Dataset URL:

Resource Title: All India Consumer Price Index (Rural/Urban) Up to May 2017

Author: susil sahoo
Published at: Fri, 11 Aug 2017 04:15:59 +0000

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