Video: Leslie Jones & Seth Meyers Have A 'Game Of Thrones' Viewing Party - Publik Talk


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Friday, August 11, 2017

Video: Leslie Jones & Seth Meyers Have A 'Game Of Thrones' Viewing Party

Video: Leslie Jones & Seth Meyers Have A 'Game Of Thrones' Viewing Party By now, you are hopefully aware of SNL star Leslie Jones's unhinged passion for Game Of Thrones—she live (drunk) tweets most new episodes, she wants to do "sexuals with the Blackfish," and she considers Wun-Wun the giant her homie. Jones was sick during last week's monumental human BBQ episode, so Seth Meyers invited her back onto Late Night to watch the episode and provide some hilarious running commentary. [ more › ]

Author: Ben Yakas
Published at: 2017-08-10T12:45:00-05:00

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