Manage your finances with LibreOffice Calc - Publik Talk


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Monday, August 21, 2017

Manage your finances with LibreOffice Calc

Get control of your finances with LibreOffice Calc

If you're like most people, you don't have a bottomless bank account. You probably need to watch your monthly spending carefully.

There are many ways to do that, but that quickest and easiest way is to use a spreadsheet. Many folks create a very basic spreadsheet to do the job, one that consists of two long columns with a total at the bottom. That works, but it's kind of blah.

I'm going to walk you through creating a more scannable and (I think) more visually appealing personal expense spreadsheet using LibreOffice Calc.

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Author: ScottNesbitt
Published at: Mon, 21 Aug 2017 03:02:00 -0400


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