State/UT-wise Railway Accidental Deaths in India during 2015 - Publik Talk


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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

State/UT-wise Railway Accidental Deaths in India during 2015

The total number of railway accidental deaths in India during 2015 was 26066. Out of these, the number of males, females and transgenders were 22219 (85.24%), 3839 (14.73%) and 8 (0.03%) respectively. The railway accidental deaths had a weightage of 7.76% out of the total number of Un-Natural deaths (336051) during 2015. The top 5 States/UTs in terms of number of railway accidental deaths during 2015 were: Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Railway accidental deaths reported in Maharashtra was 4719 during 2015, which accounted 18.1% of total railway accidental deaths reported in India during the year. Out of these 4719 railway accidental deaths; 4212 (89.26%) were male, 503 (10.66%) were female and 4 (0.08%) were transgender. Railway accidental deaths reported in Uttar Pradesh was 4472 during 2015, which accounted 17.16% of total railway accidental deaths reported in India during the year. Out of these 4472 railway accidental deaths; 3737 (83.56%) were male, 734 (16.41%) were female and 1 (0.02%) were transgender. Railway accidental deaths reported in West Bengal was 2545 during 2015, which accounted 9.76% of total railway accidental deaths reported in India during the year. Out of these 2545 railway accidental deaths; 2020 (79.37%) were male, 525 (20.63%) were female and 0 (0%) were transgender.

Railway accidental deaths reported in Bihar was 1891 during 2015, which accounted 7.25% of total railway accidental deaths reported in India during the year. Out of these 1891 railway accidental deaths; 1502 (79.43%) were male, 389 (20.57%) were female and 0 (0%) were transgender. Railway accidental deaths reported in Madhya Pradesh was 1850 during 2015, which accounted 7.1% of total railway accidental deaths reported in India during the year. Out of these 1850 railway accidental deaths; 1554 (84%) were male, 296 (16%) were female and 0 (0%) were transgender.

The above mentioned top 5 states accounted for 59.38% of the total rail accidental deaths reported in India as a whole during 2015.

Dataset URL:

Resource Title: State/UT and Un-Natural Cause-wise Number of Cases, Persons Injured & Persons Died during 2015

Author: susil sahoo
Published at: Tue, 10 Oct 2017 04:53:49 +0000

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